I’ve had the amazing experience of three evenings out with girlfriends recently. Between us, we have 8 kids who are under 7 years old, and we still found time to see each other.
And my soul was grateful. Literally. I needed to laugh out loud. I needed to remember the different parts of my brain that tell stories and listen deeply. I needed that womanly feeling and connection that only happens with girl-time. I needed to be heard and encouraged, as only my girl peeps can do.
I know many of you feel overwhelmed and exhausted sometimes, like there’s just enough time in the day, and certainly not enough time to hang out with a friend.
But, you want to. In fact, you know that at some core level, you need to. You need to be reminded that you’re fun and smart and valuable.
But how? I could go on and on about how to make your life truly work for you (it’s what I’m passionate about and what I do, after all!)
For today, here are two of the practical things that made these recent evenings out with my friends possible:
Create a “supportive” husband. Yes, I chose well. But, I’ve also made sure to communicate with him clearly over time about how important certain things are to me, such as my girlfriend time. So, now he’s really clear that I need that time. It’s not an indulgence. It’s a necessity to my well-being.
He knows that when my well-being is taken care of, I’m happier, the kids are happier, and, ultimately, he’s happier. So, if you don’t have a supportive husband/partner… start creating one with what you have through honest and clear conversations and requests.
Ask for what you need. This is one of those simple, yet not always easy, things that you’ve likely heard before. It really is like a muscle, that gets stronger with use. I promise! It’s incredibly powerful to just ask.
You may not always get a yes. You may be disappointed at times. AND, if you don’t ask you’ll never know. Without asking, you’re way more likely to become resentful over time that “things don’t go your way.” I know you are WAY more powerful that you realize, so just ask.
Here’s my badass + brilliant challenge for you this week… Choose ONE thing that you’ve been wanting (needing) to do and just ask.
Be bold. Be courageous. Be bigger than you were yesterday.
Then, tell us all about it in the comments below. There is nothing too small.
Living a badass + brilliant life is about creating it daily, in the little and big things.
And YOU, my friend, are badass + brilliant.
Lastly, for the hot mamas in the group, “Badass + Brilliant Motherhood: (Re)Discover Your Sexy” will help you tap into that part of yourself that asks for what you want, that part of yourself that is about desire. Check it out here, and shoot me an email if you have questions.
As always, thank you SO much for inviting me into your world. It makes me giddy with gratitude, truly!
Yours in living a badass + brilliant life,
How do you find the time to get re-energized? Share on X