Like all of us, I am flawed. I don’t really like to cook or clean. I love french fries and cheesesteaks. I can be impatient with the best of ‘em. BUT, I am incredibly efficient and productive. I make things happen in life. You can too.
There are things you want to do, places you want to go, contributions you want to make, relationships you want to have. Life gets busy. You can feel overwhelmed. Sometimes you’re just doing the same things every day, and none of them are really the things that are propelling you toward the life of your dreams.
Last week, I shared about perfection paralysis. Waiting until everything is “just right” in order to move forward pretty much ensures that you’ll never get where you want to go. Today, you’ll get more tips for how to be the most productive and successful person you know.
You are here to make a difference in the world and have a life you love. I am here to help you make that happen. Let’s do it.
Below, please tell us how you keep promises you make to yourself. When you share your strategies and experiences, you inspire others to contribute and take action.
As always, thank you so much for welcoming me into your inbox each week. I know how full our lives can be, and it means the world to me to be a part of your day.
If this was valuable to you, please pass it on. The more we all get moving in the direction of our dreams, the better the world will be.
With love and gratitude,
P.S. If we haven’t yet connected on facebook, please join me there!
P.P.S. Here’s wordy version if you aren’t down with the videos.
Be your dream boss. Imagine you just got your dream job. That job you’ve most coveted and never thought could be yours. You are thrilled! Your new boss asks you to get something done by a certain time. You’re likely going to get it done! So, now relate to your own commitments to yourself that way. If you didn’t allow yourself to break the commitments/promises you’ve made to yourself, you’d be amazed how powerful and successful you could be. Whether it’s losing 20 pounds by the end of the year, or finishing your first book, or doubling your number of clients, if you relate to your own word like it’s a promise to your dream boss, you will start kicking some serious ass.
Throw away the “to do” list. Priorities. Once you are relating to your commitments to yourself like they are coming from your dream boss, you’ll realize there are things you just simply aren’t committed to. This is a good thing! Take all the less important distractions off your list, and get clear on what commitments you REALLY want to make to yourself. Example, I would never be a successful entrepreneur, happy wife, and loving mom if my priority was always to have my house spotless. When my priorities are clear, my commitments are clear. Other things can wait and I can get going on the things that are most important to me. I might have a messy house sometimes, but I have an awesome life.
Do it now. Once you’re relating to your word like it came from your dream boss, and you’ve gotten clear on which commitments you are truly willing to make, then start doing those things right away, in the moment you think of them. If I know I send out a blog post on Wednesdays, I don’t wait until Tuesday night to create it. Here’s why: waiting drains your energy. I could still get it done if I waited to the last minute, and many of you know your operate that way. BUT, the big but, is that when my priorities are hanging over my head, waiting to be done while I busy myself doing other things, then I’m wasting my energy! Just do it when you think of it, in that moment, and you will have so much more energy to get other things accomplished and be the wildly powerful and successful person that you are!
Someone once told me that the definition of real power is the speed with which I can translate possibility into results. It has guided me throughout my life. I play games with myself to see how quickly and efficiently I can get things done, SO I CAN HAVE TIME TO PLAY AND HAVE FUN, after they are done. It really works! My husband says he has never seen any translate thought into action as fast as I do!