I’m seeing sexy everywhere… (and an invitation) - Sage B. Hobbs

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about all things sexy lately. It’s kind of hilarious, and super fun, because it’s seeping into my daily life.

I see sexy in nature (recent trip to the botanical gardens almost felt like an erotic field trip!). I hear sexy in music (Eddie Vedder’s voice, anyone?). I find myself talking about sexy with friends (over french fries and mojitos) and clients.


Here’s the scoop…

“Badass + Brilliant Motherhood: (Re)Discover Your Sexy” is open with an early bird rate until July 27th.

Watch below if you’re curious and want to know how you can join or click here to read more.


And, here are some thoughts on sexy…

If we did a “Sexy is…” journal prompt, we’d get countless answers. But, one theme would rise up above the rest… confidence. Every woman I’ve talked to so far agrees, confidence is sexy.

Sexy is a state of mind. If you observe and talk to women of various shapes and sizes, you’ll see that it’s so much about our mindset. Those who feel sexy, appear to be more sexy.

Sexy is an inside AND outside job. (video on FB) Dressing the part alone won’t get you there, but it might help.

Your sexy is not dependent on anyone else. You, and only you, get to decide whether or not you feel sexy. This can be deceiving, because we all enjoy outside acknowledgement. But, truly, it’s ultimately up to you and no one can take it from you. (P.S. This one is from my mom! Still workin’ it in her 60s.)

Wanting to feel sexy doesn’t make you any less of a smart, progressive, feminist. As one of my beautiful, proud, self-declared feminist friends said… women’s sensuality and sexuality have been suppressed for long time. Reclaiming sexy is a powerful, and important, step.

Sexy is what you want it to be. It’s what you say it is. And, it has only as much power as the attention and desire you give it.

Now that you’ve read them, I’d love to know, “Do you believe ‘sexy’ important?”  Yes or no, in the comments below…

Yours in living a badass + brilliant life,



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