This show is a collection of real, honest, and sometimes messy conversations between two friends. We’ll explore racism, antiracism, interracial friendship, activism, books, films, and more through our different lived experiences.
EP 31: What Does It Mean to Be an Ambitious Woman?
EP30: Will it ever be enough?
EP29: Living a Shameless Life: Bigger, Bolder, Braver with Sara Dean
EP28: 4 Things That May Change Your Life
EP27: On Living an E.P.I.C. Life with Julie Neale
EP26: This is NOT me hating men
EP25: The Power of Healing in Community with Sera Snyder
EP24: Life Purpose and Privilege
EP23: How to Have Room for More Compassion to Include Yourself
EP22: Why I’m really trying to embrace change (and you should too)
EP21: The Mental Health Revolution: Changing the Conversation with Alison Malmon
EP20: How do YOU make a difference?
EP19: Step into Your Moxie and Find Your Voice with Alexia Vernon
EP18: Bring It On 2018! Here’s How.
EP17: Living and Dying in Peace with Joselin Linder
EP16: How to Handle Stress During the Holidays (and always)
EP15: A Mother’s Mission to Make Education Available for All: Eliza’s Story
EP14: Help! Can Ambition and Motherhood Coexist?
EP12: 5 Ways to Really Practice Gratitude
EP11: Understanding Feminine Energy, Intuition, and Self-Love with Elizabeth DiAlto
EP10: How to Have a Better Marriage
EP8: 3 Ways to Find Yourself
EP7: Making the World a Better Place, One Leader at a Time with Rachel Rosen
EP6: How a Weekend Blew My Mind: Women Leading the Way
EP5: Yoga, social justice, and taking risks with Erica Barth
EP4: Girlfriends are the Bomb
EP3: YOU have guides and angels (even if you’re a psychic virgin) with Shannon Walbran
EP2: Overcoming Fear, Building Community, and Being YOU with Tepsii
EP1: Finding Calm in a Busy World with Grace Estripeaut
EP0: Naked Conversations Revealed: What to Expect from this Show and Me
About Me
I’m Sage B. Hobbs, and I’m so psyched to help you unleash your inner badass so you can feel really fulfilled and make the difference you were born to make.
After more than ten years working in counseling and education, I launched this business for women to courageously step up and share their strengths with the world, and to create the lives they truly want.
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