This morning I got to drive my awesome 17-year-old neighbor to high school. On our way across town, we talked about some of the big things of life. She was struggling to answer a key, messy question about society and human behavior…
How do we spend our money, time, and attention to create positive change with what really matters to us?
She wondered why so much money was poured into restoring Notre Dame instead of into ending childhood cancer? Or cleaning up the oceans?
We talked about the ways each of us can make a contribution to what is important to us, like using “Tab for a Cause” or making a recurring monthly donation.
I got three huge and beautiful things from my brief car ride with her this morning:
Go deeper. Being REAL with each other about how we’re truly feeling, what we’re really thinking and worrying about, is liberating. It’s what connects us in our humanity. AND, it’s where problem solving and creativity are generated. I’d never heard of “Tab for a Cause,” but of course this big-hearted teenager had wisdom to teach me.
Insight AND action is the path to results. This is a core belief in all of my work. I talk about it with clients and groups often, but today I was reminded of this essential idea yet again. It’s important to gain insight and awareness (about your partner, your privilege, a crisis in your community, a cause you believe in, etc.). AND, when we pair the insight with action real change can occur. For example, what if everyone gave $5/month to something important to them, like “Everytown for Gun Safety”? Imagine it… imagine that kind of collective action for the greater good.
Conversations are the heart and soul of life. It is in conversations with others that we can both learn and contribute. That we can feel connected and build community… which everyone deeply desires.
So, my fellow human, where can you be more real, take action, and have a conversation?
Truly, life is happening now. This is it.
much love,