Celebration, Rest and Resistance (Season 5, Ep 12) - Sage B. Hobbs

Celebration, Rest and Resistance


One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” – Dr. Brené Brown

Welcome to the last episode of season 5! Today’s episode of Race, Culture & Beyond: A Naked Conversation Podcast is a significant celebration on how much we have accomplished in 5 seasons of speaking up and contributing to the conversation on racism.

We are delighted to announce we have produced 24 episodes which have been listened to by 3070 people all over the globe! We recently found out we are listened to in the US, as well as New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Japan, Jamaica, and many more.

After this episode, we will be taking a break because, like all resistances, we must rest to keep our energy up. We must keep in mind that taking breaks is fundamental in any group or movement to continue to work hard for what we’re looking for. We invite you to also take a break: read, walk, rest, and pause.

In this show we're talking about:

We will also be talking about our most influential episodes: from the ones that kicked off this podcast, the first time we co-interviewed a guest, to the time we defined what antiracism means to us, among many others.

Thank you for listening to the show. It is such an honor and joy to have these conversations with you. They are necessary and needed and we are here to do the work.

Xo, Sage & Erica

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