When I talk to my clients, friends, and women in my community, I often hear a lot about “feeling overwhelmed, not enough time in the day, too much to do, etc.” While I can relate to their experiences (especially this time of year!), it bums me out that these badass and brilliant women are walking through life feeling so overwhelmed, and quite frankly, exhausted.
So, let’s talk about managing overwhelm, shall we? We all want to be truly present with our friends and family. We all want to feel happy and energized. We all want our days to flow with ease. We want to enjoy life and make a difference in some way.
Here’s the thing, the more we tell ourselves that we are overwhelmed, the more overwhelmed we will be. It’s just how it works. So, being less overwhelmed requires setting yourself up for success with both the right mindset AND systems to support you.
Here’s the video (and if you prefer to read than to watch, you can get the wordy version below.)
For many people, this is a particularly busy time of year, both personally and professionally. Take a few minutes to answer these questions for yourself, and start shifting your mindset and systems now. You will have a much happier and productive end to the year if you do!
Please, share with me in the comments below how deal with feeling overwhelmed. I want to hear how it’s going for you!
Keep being Badass + Brilliant. You are change agents. The world needs you.
Game on!
P.S. If we haven’t yet connected on facebook, please join me there! Or, if you’d like to get on the list so you never miss a weekly dose of inspiration, sign up here.
P.P.S. There are exactly 2 weeks left in 2014. Woohoo! What are you still making happen? Where can you still “clean house?”
What is truly most important and most necessary to YOU? Enjoying my family and friends, kicking ass in my business, and making a contribution in the world are what really matter to me. I’m clear on that, so it helps me to stay calm in turbulent seas. Knowing what is important to you helps shift your mindset so that you don’t feel pulled in so many directions, and can say no when you need to, and focus on what matters to you. Now, in that, is also what actually must get done (i.e. paying taxes, getting groceries). Do those things right away so they’re not hanging over you and draining your energy.
What systems do you have to support ease and flow in your life? I’m big on systems. When you combine the mindset shift with systems to support it, you are well on your way to more ease and joy, my friend. You have to find systems that work for YOU, but here are some of mine.
I put everything in my calendar right away, and with reminders. On Sunday nights, my husband and I go over the calendar for the week ahead, so we can work out any glitches. I write grocery lists that actually have food for meals, so we don’t have to think too much during the week about what we’re going to cook. When we run out of something, I write it on the list right then. It’s not perfect. I have my moments, for sure (ask my 5 year old!) But, the systems help immeasurably. Our life runs pretty darn smoothly most of the time.
What do you do to reground yourself, to get in touch with your happy place? We women tend to take care of others before ourselves. Whether it’s cultural or primal or both, we often place our own needs at the back of the line. There many issues with this approach, and I talk about them a lot in the coaching I do with Badass + Brilliant women. When it comes decreasing overwhelm, it is essential to take time to make yourself happy. For me, it’s yoga. Without fail, if I make myself go to yoga regardless of how many things I think “should” get done instead, I am 1,000 x happier and more productive when I leave. Therefore, I’m a better mom, wife, coach, and business owner. If you want to be super successful, an amazing mother, a leader in your field… make sure you know how to recharge your own battery and that you actually take time to do it.