
My Favorite Book and the Science of Gratitude
Sometimes I feel like I have so much I want to share with you, I don’t know where to begin! Life is full of opportunities to reflect and learn (even when we wish it would stop throwing us another “life lesson”)! So...
This is the Final Season and Doing Your Part
First I want to recognize what is so… and then I’ll come back to hope, action, and how each of us can do our part to lead in our lives. It’s been a really hard week. Sadly, I feel like I’ve written...
Why Loving My Dog is a Radical Act – For Me
Loving my dog is a radical act for me. I know this may sound ridiculous. But the definition of radical is “change relating to the fundamental nature of something” – having a dog in my home definitely went against my fundamental nature....
How to Build Trust in the Workplace
Learning how to build trust in the workplace is critical to finding success as an employee, principal, teacher, or leader. Regardless of whether you work at a company, educational institution, or non-profit organization, a high level of trust creates a more positive...