I’m dishin’ up more dirt this week on “YOU can live a badass and brilliant life. Part 2: Lessons from my mom”
Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it.
Digging up the messages and lessons that I’ve received in my life has been a very enlightening experience. It’s not often that we really examine what we’ve been taught (both explicitly and implicitly) and how those teachings have shaped us.
I challenge you to dig in along with me. Explore what messages you received from the folks in your life. Look at the experiences that molded you into who you are. Remember, everything we experienced and learned contributed to who we are, but it doesn’t determine who we are becoming. That part, my friend, is up to you. And, I think it’s the fun part, knowing that YOU can create your life.
So, this week I’ll share with you what my mom taught me about living a badass and brilliant life. Now, mother/daughter relationships can be complicated, and sometimes hard, for sure. But as a mom myself now, I appreciate the wisdom my mom imparted more than ever.
So… the big reveal. Here are some badass and brilliant lessons from my badass and brilliant mamma:
- Service and contribution are essential to have a fulfilling life. This one was engrained early on, from my teenage participation in 24 hour dance-a-thons to raise money for a program for at-risk teens (where I raised nearly $1,000 and learned symbolically that I really could make a difference in the world) to attending incredible fundraising events for The Hunger Project. What contribution do you want to make in the world?
- Ask for what you want, don’t just to expect it to appear. When my sibs and I were kids, my mom would ask “Do you have a complaint or a request?” when we started to whine about something. This single question is a remarkable lesson in being powerful in your life, and making things happen. So, find an area in your life that bothers you and make a powerful request for what you want (instead of just complaining about what isn’t working).
- Permission to express your feelings, even when those feelings are uncomfortable or inconvenient. For example, when we were young and upset about something, my mom would say “You can cry and have a fit for a full 5 minutes. Really, let it rip.” In doing this, she validated our feelings, and taught us not to dwell too long. Could you allow yourself to express your feelings more fully? C’mon badass, you can do it.
- Speak up as an intelligent woman who has something powerful to offer the world. My mom owned her voice, even in a male dominated professional world, she showed up fully. When faced with an opportunity to share your voice, do you shy away or shine?
Alas, unveiling my lessons on living a badass and brilliant life continues. My hope is that they will empower you on your badass and brilliant journey and inspire you to dig into your own life’s tale more deeply.
How would your life be different if you allowed the badass and brilliant you to speak up more often and shine more brightly?
In the comments below, please tell me about some of the lessons you’ve learned about how to live life. We all have amazing nuggets to share, so don’t be shy. Not all the lessons you’ve learned may actually serve you. Perhaps it’s time to let some of them go. Share them, and then shed them.
As always, it means so much to me to have this Badass + Brilliant community all over the world. Thank you for hanging out with me each week!
Keep being Badass + Brilliant. You are change agents. The world needs you.
Game on!
P.S. If we haven’t yet connected on facebook, please join me there! And, if you liked this post, I’d so appreciate if you’d share it with your friends!
P.P.S. More videos coming soon, if you’re one of the peeps who likes to “see” me! In the mean time, you can check some other goodness:
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