Blog – Page 4 – Sage B. Hobbs


Why Do I Write?

Why Do I Write?

Our feral period (aka summer) is over.  My kids are back in school, along with my teacher husband.   My house is quieter than it’s been in months… but now the juggle of feeding and clothing and working (more) is ramped up.  Along...
Old Patterns Die Hard (Especially with Family)

Old Patterns Die Hard (Especially with Family)

I was out for an early morning walk on the beach, along the Jersey shore that I have visited most of my nearly 44 years of life.  The gulls soaring, plovers scuttling, waves rolling, and breeze blowing.  For me, it’s bliss.  It’s...
Take a Pause

Take a Pause

What are you up to over in your corner of the world? How are your relationships? Your work? Your joy? Your commitments to things that matter to you? Please try not to panic when you consider these questions!   Just take this small...
Making Time for What’s Good for You

Making Time for What’s Good for You

Taking the time to do the things that are “good” for you can be easier said than done. Writing helps me process all of my fast, wild, and varied thoughts and emotions.  It helps me express myself and connect with others.  It...
Community, Grief, and Love

Community, Grief, and Love

I hated having this conversation with my kids.   I’m usually appreciative of, and willing to have, hard and important conversations.  I facilitate them in my professional and personal life often.  They can be transformative, build community, cause forgiveness, and...